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Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 4

Purchased April 4
"still angry with Amazon on this one after waiting for it seems a year for it to come out and it kept getting pushed back and pushed back and I kept 'ok'ing that I wanted it when it really did come time to ship, the credit card on file that I ordered this with was expired. so they canceled my order. when I checked my E-mail they had canceled it at lunch time and I was trying to give them the new number but they would not give me the price it was now $54 or something so I called in and after some complaining to the person from India... they got me discounts back to what it was. Amazon could not think, 'wow he has been giving us the ok to keep the order going after all the delays and he does have a good card on file maybe we should just use that card.' Hmm next"

Queens Blade Collection [Blu-ray]   hope the big boobs are worth it ;-)
For $36.99
expected 4/6  - DELIVERED stack in the back room

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