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Thursday, February 10, 2011

yesterday.... All my troubles seemed so far away...

Purchased 2/9
"This is a great item from the gold box for any Simpson fan and it was only $57 in the box"
Simpsons World The Ultimate Episode Guide: Seasons 1-20 [Hardcover]
for $57 (with gold box deal)
Expected  2/11 -DELIVERED while Chevy on sabbatical


hmmm nothing yet. we're packing for an office move!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Has it really been a week?

I guess it has! I had a short week last week, but also, Cubemate says there were no good deals online anywhere! Thankfully he found something over the weekend and today too!

Purchased 2/6
"Here it is what everyone needs!!!"
Crazy weight belt "The Warrior"
for $166
Expected  2/28? DELIVERED while Chevy on sabbatical
"its awesome and has great warrior words of wisdom on it!"
"a good deal"
KitchenAid® 13 Piece White Prep Set  
For $19
Expected 2/11/11 DELIVERED while Chevy on sabbatical
Came but colander was broken and then sent a red one of a different brand!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Irresistible $5.49 Bluray

Cubemate has begun to be a smarter shopper in his subconscious maybe...
Even though this was an irresistible purchase, at least he sees some logic.
1. it’s a Bluray.
2. Its Johnny Depp

" what a great price!! And it is in 7.1 surround and it might be an ok movie even."

The Ninth Gate [Blu-ray] (2000)
From Amazon for $5.49
Expected 2/3/11 - DELIVERED - in the back room


Now .... I have no idea how to approach this subject.

Once again the asian obsession comes out. Apparently these are "chocolately goodness, tasty and yummy. Whats not to like about them?" haha... so apparently I will have to steal one to test for myself. They are a little pricey...

Meiji Chocorooms, 3.13-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 10)
From Amazon for $17.08
Expected 2/3/11
DELIVERED 2/3/11 AND YUMMY! Cubemate brought some in and oooooooh yeah...yummy!